Candler School of Theology, Center for Ethics and Pitts Library
Emory University
To heal the vast growing pains of Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, CCCA worked collaboratively to create an atmosphere to enhance fellowship and foster dialogue in a diverse learning community.
The design of the new Candler School of Theology, Center for Ethics and Pitts Library reflects an Italian hill town design, providing an interior “street” that bisects the building and connects at its apex to Emory University’s historic quadrangle. The building links the lower entry to the Rudolph Plaza, which contains the Cannon Chapel and serves as a symbol for CSoT’s core spiritual purpose. The transparent atrium provides an inviting dynamic framework that activates community and further enhances fellowship and faith.
Noteworthy: Transforming the biggest challenge into an advantage, the design team accommodated a variety of spaces by creating a unique and memorable navigational experience within the building, strategically activated by visual and physical connection to a variety of program spaces.